Friday, 10 October 2008

5 October 2008 Sunday - A walk and an accident

A warmer day than yesterday. I complete painting the undercoat in the kitchen then I go out for a walk. I visit a residential area which sits above castle height.
There are some nice big houses with decent sized gardens. It is also warmer up there as there is no big hill nearby for the sun to hide behind. There is however a large pile of dog crap outside one person’s wall.
It is very peaceful up there, with no traffic sound drifting up from the town. However the roads are fairly quiet today.
There is a row of separate apartment blocks being built which will nicely obstruct the view of the castle and town that the residents must once have had.

I have noticed that no one is interested in conkers. There is a big chestnut tree adjacent to the play area for children in the centre of town and the conkers lie scattered on the ground. On my way up the hill I passed more conkers on the ground outside a school.

I take a windy path down towards the town, pausing to take this photo of the castle and town roof tops. The path ends opposite the police station.
I continue my wander round the rues but there are only a couple of tourists pounding the mean streets photographing the Rue de la grand Duc.
I get home at about 3.30pm and start ploughing my way through an old music compilation tape that I must have made in the early 70’s. There is a news item that Princess Anne has fallen off her horse at Badminton? at the second jump. Prince Philip says that the jump is vicious and she is comforted by her fiancĂ© Mark Philips. A bit of detective work later that puts it sometime between 28 July 1973 when they announced their engagement and Nov 14 1973 when they married.
Around 7pm I hear a loud bang. About five minutes later I see a neighbour running up the road towards the bend at my right, followed by his wife who is clutching a mobile.
I pick up the newspaper I used as a ground sheet and take it out to the bin. Just on the bend there is a van, a motor bike lying on its side and a figure lying on the road covered in a blanket. To my left I hear a siren and an ambulance arrives.
I return to the apartment and another ambulance arrives, a paramedic car, a tow truck a roads vehicle. Road closed signs are put across the road blocking access to all traffic.

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