I decide to copy the CPAM form that I was sent. I switch on my desk top computer but it no longer wants to boot up. The fan whirrs but no one is at home.
My scanner and printer are all from the Windows XP operating system era, the same as my desktop.
I get the extension reel up from the studio and plug the scanner and printer into it. The windows Vista on my laptop hates my printer and my scanner, but especially my scanner. It is 2 hours before I eventually find software that will make the scanner work. Canon UK software does not work, I have to raid the Cannon US web site before I succeed.
At about 4.20pm the builders arrive. They start draining down my hot water tank in order to plumb in the pipes from the bathroom to the kitchen sink.
No major floods occur.
I have now taken the side off my desk top computer and am kneeling on the floor looking hopefully for a reason why it refuses to work.
The builder is very interested and his hands are soon busy in amongst the cables and wires. The connector to the hard drive is not fitting properly. It looks probable that when the shop in Clevedon fixed my computer earlier this year, they damaged the end pins on the drive. A tweak of a screwdriver and the connectors are bent to fit back in to the cable.
I try the main switch and we have ze beep, which means the computer is booting up. Then I put the case back on and connect up to the internet to download and apply all those updates that Norton Security systems have been itching to supply me with since I last powered up the pc online.
This takes a while.
I now have hot and cold running water in the kitchen. There is still some trunking to be fitted in the bathroom to cover the new water pipes, so the builder will be back on Wednesday afternoon to do that work, give me my bill and look at the next items of work that I need doing.
I start putting pots, pans and packets into my kitchen cupboards. This is what it now looks like in use, but tidy.
Note my massive Hansgrohe tap on my kitchen sink.

It was expensive and the big nozzle bit swivels 360 degrees. I will have to be careful with it as the stainless steel sink flexes quite a bit when the tap is used.
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