Tuesday, 28 October 2008

25 October 2008 Saturday - emulsional

dUp early to go shopping at the retail park. Windscreen is frozen. Good job I dragged that spare sheet of fibre glass insulation material under the house and put it against the water pipes for the 4 apartments.
Eventually able to see through the windscreen so I set off. Intermarche first then Bricomarche, where I buy more emulsion, exterior wood undercoat and exterior wood paint.
By the time I have loaded up my car the sun is shining brightly and all thoughts of the morning frost have vanished.
I spend the next 3 or so hours sanding down the window woodwork in the 1st floor studio, applying masking tape (why does the window have to be multi-paned? Then applying the white undercoat.
After a sandwich, I walk into town. As usual on a Saturdayat 3.30pm, there is hardly anyone around, but the cafes with tables in the sun are doing well.
The English shop is closed until 4 November so I cannot ask about airport parking at Toulouse airport.
I take a few photos and return home about an hour and a half later.
Here is the small “recycling centre next to the Orange / SFM shop and the Halle au grains.

And here are two people enjoying the sunshine at a café.

The scene of yesterday’s road accident on my road but just out of sight from my window is marked on the road with green fluorescent paint.

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