Thursday, 2 October 2008

24 Sept 2008 Wednesday – Back to Blighty

S’s last morning before her flight from Toulouse airport. We went into town so that she could buy some sweets to take back to work, and I visited the hole in the wall for some cash.
The builder’s son turned up to lay the skim coat in the bathroom, and then left about 45 mins later.
I charged up my sat-nav and we headed off up the motorway to Blagnac. The weather was excellent for driving, and traffic was light until we reached the outskirts of Toulouse. I came off the motorway one turning too soon, but satnav saved the day and we arrived safely at the airport. I then took the wrong exit and had to do another detour. You can park at the airport for 30 minutes before charges kick in.
I helped S into the departures terminal with her cases and then headed back down south towards the Pyrenees.
I was doing really well when I ignored the satnav and followed the road signs. I have now found another commercial estate on the ourskirts of Toulouse that has a BUT. I went wrong another twice before finally getting back on track. The traffic was much heavier but I took my correct junction off the motorway just as traffic was becoming stationary due to a traffic problem ahead.

In the evening I headed off to the choir practice. I was given my own copy of the score the “petite Messe solenelle” by Rossini. It is only 31 pages long, so no worries there. This time the tenors had to move to another room to practice. Fortunately one of the tenors had his own Yamaha organ in his car, or we would have been a bit stuck for he correct notes..
Finally we rejoined the full choir and I forgot everything we had been practicing. In my defence my ribs had been aching during the practice and I could feel my throat getting sore and my nose was starting to run.

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