Thursday, 30 October 2008

27 October 2008 Monday – The paint and the bees

Happy birthday mum!
Another painting day. I give the bedroom walls 2 coats of emulsion and one side of the bathroom door its second gloss coat. This takes ages.
Around noon my door buzzer (which it turns out is quite appropriate) goes and I stop painting and look out of my window to see who it is.
It is the young man who enquired about the 1st floor studio a few weeks ago. He is standing outside the main door chatting with Madam. I go downstairs.
It seems that he is moving in tomorrow at noon. The lettings agency has not told me anything about this, so it’s a good job that I didn’t strip all the wall paper off the walls. and had finished painting the window and frame. I still have to resolve the cooker hot plates resting on the fridge and dismantle a large metal and plastic table.
He tells me that he has lived in this studio before and in the even smaller one on the ground floor. He asks me how much the one on the ground floor is to rent a month. He tells me that as far as he knows, he is the only one who has ever rented the ground floor studio. It is, he says very cold and damp in there due to the earthen floor cellar underneath the house.
He looks after bees and would like to rent the ground floor studio in April as a workshop for him to make royal jelly. I am sure that he would be looking for a reduction in rent for this. I am also sure that there are probably lots of rules and regulations about running a business from a private dwelling, not to mention the food preparation hygiene regulations.
I hope my builders get their fingers out soon and return as the humidity / ventillation issues are ones on my list for them to resolve.
So from having two tenants who cut down trees, to one who looks after bees.
He also drives a big van, so one van will be replaced with another.
It is another lovely day outside but I miss it all as I batter through with the bedroom and hall painting.
After this there is some skirting board painting to do, and some touch up work in the bathroom and kitchen. But that can wait for a bit.
I put the bathroom door back on its hinges. Of course it no longer closes. I will need to buy a chisel to take some wood off the edge of the door.
The bedroom walls are still wet in patches when I go to bed in the evening. It has been a long day.

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