Thursday, 6 November 2008

3 November 2008 Monday - shelfish

It was a wide awake night last night, not helped by the heavy rain.
A dry day has been forecast after the drenchings of the last two days, so the washing machine goes on first thing.
I start fixing the rails and shelves back onto the alcove walls. Bad news is that I omitted one of the brackets and there are 3 holes missing. I poke match sticks at the wall, but can only find one hole. Even using that hole I cannot find the other 2. Did I fill them in?
Time to find the electric drill.
Rails and shelves finally in place, I start hanging up coats, suits, trousers etc that have been living in drawers or suitcases. I find the curtains that S altered to fit over the alcove and that is another job done.
I attack the sticking bathroom door, which refuses to not stick, but which is now slightly easier to open and close.
I sweep and mop the apartment floors.
The tenant and his visitors finally go out late morning, so I sweep the staircase and entrance corridor, then start mopping.
Of course Daveed’s family, for that is who they are arrive just as I am about to mop the entrance hall.
Most of the washing is dry now, so I take it upstairs and this leads to drawer re-arrangement.
This in turn leads to some more putting away of things in cupboards.
I am on a roll.
Just an apple for lunch and the family go out again. I just have time to croak along to the petite messe CD once before they return.
I don’t think I’m cut out for this singing lark. My voice is getting worse.

I have been trying to pin down my house insurance man for a multirisque policy since September. I finally chase him again by email and receive a reply that he proposes visiting me tomorrow morning to progress things.
It has been rather a dull day, but progress has been made.

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