Sunday, 16 November 2008

13 November 2008 Thursday – Worlds still turning, for now

Up at 8.15am just in case the builders turn up. Rain beats down, pausing occasionally for breath before returning with renewed vigour.

It poured most of the night, and it continues to tip it down for most of the day. It is not worth going out and getting cold and wet, so we stay in and rearrange more things. I have sooo much useful stuff that I may need one day.
It is a tricky business trying to fit the contents of a 100m square house plus attic plus garage into about 45 square meters of flat.
I continue reading my James Hadley Chase novel “Tu me suivras dans la tombe”, French version of course.
The builders do not turn up, and I have visions of Daveed’s belongings floating out of his window as the rain falls steadily.
Hopefully it will be the wrong sort of rain… I wonder if they get the wrong sort of leaves on railway tracks over here? They recently detained about 10 people for sabotaging the National Railway system.
The paper reports that two people who are suspected members of the Basque Group ETA have been detained down the road at Tarrascon.
The pound is now at its lowest point ever against the Euro, and continues to drop further.
There is a lot of doom and gloom out there. Finding a job in France in the New Year could be tough. I could start a business, but as I have no idea what business to start and have never run a business before, it could be difficult.
What goods or service do the French require? There are lots of empty shop units in Foix. Most of the small shops, with the exception of the bakeries and the pharmacies seem devoid of customers whenever I pass by.
Perhaps the lookouts cry

<<>> and they dive for cover behind counters and display stands?
Unemployment is high in this rural area of France, and the BBC reports that France narrowly missed going into recession last quarter.
I have been told that if you do start a business, you have to estimate your level of business for the first 3 years and pay the tax people 3 years tax up
front based on that.
An email arrives from a choir member. It is a link to watch a trailer for a new film about the problems that our current lifestyle is causing for the planet. For example the use of pesticides instead of eating only organic produce. This is the first time in history when the health of the children is worse than the health enjoyed by the parents. This is the text of his email. With the link to the clip below it. I recommend you watch it as Olivier suggests. Feel free to pass on the link to others to raise awareness.

<<Pour que ce film qui dénonce les méfaits de la mauvaise alimentation et des pesticides, réalisé par un français, soit visible le plus longtemps possible lors de sa sortie en salle, il faut qu'un maximum de personnes regarde la bande-annonce dans les 3 jours à venir. Regardez surtout le début, la conférence à Paris lorsque les gens lèvent la main. Très fort !

Faites passer, c'est sérieux. Même si vous ne visionnez pas complètement, c'est le nombre de visites dans les 3 jours qui fera son poids... Le voir est encore mieux.>>

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