Thursday, 13 November 2008

10 November 2008 Monday - BUT and boots

Sunny day today. Workmen arrive to inspect the water penetration problem.
There is a network of cracks on the front and side of the building that have been badly filled in by some numpty using clear silicone at some time. As well as leaving gaps in their handywork, the network of cracks has expanded and from the neighbouring garden these are clearly visible.
The builders have to go, but will return in the afternoon to inspect the roof.

In the afternoon the builder climbs up on the roof to check some evident repair work that has been carried out some time in the past to the edge of the roof. No problem there. There are a couple of solutions. Mr Builder can return on Thursday to fill in cracks as a temporary measure. Tomorrow is Armistice day so they will not be working, and Wednesday they are away.
The lasting solution is to have the offending outer walls of the building repainted with suitable paint, which they cannot do. I ask if they can recommend anyone, and they decide upon a painter who is Portuguese..
The sun is still shining so we set off to BUT to see if there are any new bargains or storage solutions since S’s last visit. There aren’t.
Next stop was the Halle Chaussures (big shoe shop) where S finds a pair of black below knee boots on sale for 15 euros. The car thermometer reads 24 degrees C so it is rather warm driving back home.
The new tenant, or rather his mum, has been busy today doing the washing, and all of the lines are filled. Yes, his parents are still here.

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