Friday, 19 September 2008

8 Sept 2008 Monday – Last fair day

We go to see the aperitif concert. This time is a man called Michel Pruvot and his orchestra. The publicity said that we were lucky to have him in our Department, and so we were. He is an accordionist and also does the lead vocals backed by two women (each with a tambourine). and his band. There are some “serious dancers” already dancing to recorded music, when we arrive. It seems to be a greek style line dance, with 3 couples. The lady on the right end, totters on her shoes and always seems to be going in the opposite direction to the others. I am sure that there is a technical explaination for this. She can be seen in the video in the background, wearing a black dress and black clumpy shoes.

The singer is sponsored by some TV channel and we also get flyers for some dance holidays that he will be playing at, including one on a cruise ship, handed out to us. There is also a competition of sorts where you have to put your name, address and the title of the next tune that you would like them to play. There are lots of prizes to be won, including an accordion. Eventually our bits of paper are collected up but the entertainment ends without any prizes being given out. Perhaps that is done at the bal tonight. We never find out as we do not return for the 10pm kickoff.
We sit at a table and drink a beer each to celebrate the end of the fete. We also eat the 12 deep fried doughy strips, called Churros, covered with sugar, that we have bought from one of the fair stalls (3 euros 50). The stall also sold Pommes d'amour, which could well have been toffee apples?

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