Sunday, 21 September 2008

11 Sept 2008 Thursday - A right turn

We turn right out of our parking for the first time, and drive through some of the small villages hide to the west of us. One of the farms has life sized dummies in various farm costumes. The roads are very narrow and I pray that we don’t meet anyone on the many sharp bends. The scenery would be lovely if I could take my eyes off the road.
Eventually we pop back into town and enter it from a completely new direction. It is high above the castle and gives us a different view of it and the town.
Storage for paperwork is required, so we go to But to have a look. I choose a silver/grey metal unit on wheels. It has one filing drawer and 2 small drawers and it will match my TV and computer stands in the living room. They don’t have it in stock but will get it for me. They will phone me tomorrow or the next day when it comes in. I still need a unit for my hi-fi and to store the records, tapes Cd’s etc but the items that I like are either the wrong colour, too expensive or both.
We do another weeks shopping at Intermarche and head home.

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