Thursday, 4 September 2008

24 Aug 2008 Sun - Eating out

A stroll into town and as it nears noon, thoughts turn to food. We decide to try the place next to my usual haunt, and which shares the same roof, but is outside in the square. We are lucky to get a table as soon as people see me there the place quickly fills up rapidly, while my usual haunt remains with only a handful of customers.
There seems to be only the one thin woman serving. She whizzes about talking loudly to herself, trying to remember who has ordered what, if she has taken an order etc etc. It is entertaining to watch. Our main course of steak, goes briefly to the table next to ours but then proceeds on its journey to us. The steak is thick and tasty. The next door steak is very thin and chewy.
The rest of the meal passes uneventfully, except that the couple who have been waiting a long time for a table do not get either of the next 2 tables that become free. They complain and are given another table as suddenly every one has finished and leaving.

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