Monday, 22 September 2008

14 Sept 2008 Sunday - Crap

More rain overnight but the day stays rainless and overcast. The builders start work tomorrow, so we clear all the remaining boxes and painting implements from the ex- shower room.
The buffet in the lounge gets a clean and we bring up 3 boxes of glasses and crockery to put into it. Only 9 boxes full of stuff left in the downstairs studio now, plus a ladder, garden furniture, exercise machine, cooking utensils, camping gear….. and of course the fold down bed that we have moved down to the studio to sleep on while the bathroom is out of action.
Lunch passes by and we stop at 3.15pm for a cup of tea and 2 biscuits.
Then I do a bit of wall plaster maintenance in the living room, bathroom and ex shower room while S shortens some curtains to go on the living room window and to cover the hall storage cupboard.

In the evening we go to café G for a meal. By the time we leave at 8.30pm the ground floor of the pub is filling up.

We have not been out much in the evenings recently, but there are “beggars” with their dogs located in various parts of the town, some in biggish groups and some slumped alone on the pavements. All are accompanied by their large dogs, usually Alsatians. I wonder where they go to sleep overnight. Usually there is a crowd of about 10 of these gentlemen and some ladies, sitting on the steps of the main post office. Sometimes they move round the back of the post office and sometimes some of them slump on the pavements with their container on the floor on our route to the Casino.
Once again the streets are disgusting with the amount of smelly dog crap on the pavements. Yuck!!!!!
On our way back from eating there is a gent slumped, or more accurately sprawled, right next to an empty restaurant, complete with dog. I wonder why the restaurant had no customers?

We settle in to the downstairs studio for the night and set the alarm for 7am so that we will be up in time before the workmen arrive.

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