Sunday, 19 April 2009

There’s bin changes

On Tuesday last week the publicity in my post box held news of the changes to household, recyclable and green waste collections which starts on Monday 20th. I read it carefully to note changes to the days affecting me. No green collection was listed for me. I went to the Mairie after my French lesson to get some yellow sacks for the recyclable collections and to ask about the green stuff.
I had to go to the Technique department where I have previously handed in my building alterations request forms,
The lady from my first visit was on duty and she volunteered my name (could this mean that she had just dealt with my forms?) and gave me a roll of bags. I explained my green collection dilemma and she looked over the leaflet that I had brought along. She then phoned another department and after they had in turn gone to consult, the verdict was that someone will phone me next week….

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