Tuesday, 28 April 2009

I come to you bee-yond bee-lief

On Sunday I was talking to Madame about this and that and I mentioned that Bee-boy seemed to have vanished. She said that she thought he had a caravan in a field near his bees, and that he was possibly spending a few nights there. She asked me if I had tried any of his honey and I had to say that I had not. She disappeared to get me some, and returned with a small pot, which contained a bright yellow substance which looked like mayonnaise or custard. I tried a bit and it had a very strong taste. It was very nice with a vague hint of something that I could not identify. Orange? I asked. No, his bees pollinate sunflowers. He makes 3 different grades of honey and sells a lot of it to someone from Toulouse who sells it with his home vegetable delivery service. In fact, said Madame, someone had to the house during the week, all the way from Toulouse to buy some of Bee-boy’s honey as the quality is so good. Unfortunately he was out, but he does not have any of last year’s honey left.
While Bee-boy’s family were here, I took this photo of his sister’s leg on my much misused little triangle of grass which is much in demand for various activities as previously chronicled, such as painting and dog toilet training.

The bee's knees?

I walked into town and noticed that I had a new lodger on this patch of lawn.
I could see a lone bee buzzing around it.

When I came back from town, there were hundreds of the little buzzers flying around the hive.I hope it does not stay there long. A single hive can house up to 50,000 bees. I expect he was meaning to ask me if he can put his hive there for a while………?

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