Saturday, 27 November 2010

Current affairs

It was a Friday afternoon. I had worked my two hours for the day, eaten my lunch in the school cantine and returned home. It was a dry day, so I decided to hoover, was the floors in my flat, then sweep and wash the stairs and main corridor. Mason man had not been around when I had come home, and I had seen him heading off to work (about time) at around 7:40am.
I heard a noise in the corridor and looked out of my window. An unknown car was parked there. I started on my apartment and by the time that I had finished that, the unknown person was driving off.
I picked up the broom and started sweeping my way down the stairs. There was a notice on Mason mans door, telling him that unless he chose a power company to supply his electricity within the next 48 hours, his electricity would be cut off.
A nice present for someone to come home to on a Friday evening!
I continued sweeping the stairs, took the corridor carpet outside, then started washing the wooden staircase from the 2nd floor, down to the entrance door.
I then replaced and hoovered the carpet. What a star!
Mason man eventually returned home and shortly thereafter I could hear him talking loudly, presumably on the telephone trying to prevent the threatened execution of his electricity.
On Sunday I returned home after being out for lunch just as Madame was heading out. She scuttled after me and told me that the EDF had come and cut off my tenant’s electricity supply. She suggested that I talk to mason man and find out exactly what the situation was... I did not share my knowledge with her and she went off down the path towards her car, safe in the knowledge that she had done her good deed for the day.
I expect that  during the French Revolution, her ancestors did a lot of knitting.
UPDATE: His electricity was cut off sometime on Monday. It is now Thursday evening and he is still living in the dark .

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