Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Instep part deux

Monday saw my second meeting with my “mobilisation vers emploi” advisor.
We chatted and she decided that the first thing that I need to do is improve my French. Unlike last week when she thought that I spoke quite good French, this is now my priority.
She made a phone call to a different course provider who would be better than the one that the first ANPE lady had phoned. They could tailor the course to my needs and I would not have to pay for the lessons. I have to go and see the trainer tomorrow. Fortunately their premises are in the centre of town.
Having told me last week that I had no chance of finding library work in France, she seemed heartened when I said that I had no objection to trying something different. Notes were scribbled on a piece of paper.
What did I want to do instead. Was I good with my hands? I said that I was not a DIY person. What else did I fancy doing? I suggested that perhaps I could help people in some way. No this was not an option, there were not many old people in the area who needed help.
Once again she said that this was the poorest area of France and that there were no jobs. Had I searched their database for jobs in the whole of France and not just the Midi-Pyrenees? Could I go and live in another part of France?

She had an idea and whizzed over to her computer. They have an online skills audit programme (similar I suspect to the one in the UK). You answer the multiple choice questions and eventually it hawks up (polite expression for pre-spitting) the careers that would suit you best.

Unfortunately it would not work on her machine. She phoned someone and they said to use one of the PC’s upstairs which had the software loaded onto it.
Up the stairs we went and she tried for a couple of minutes to unlock the door with her bunch of keys. No success. She tried the door, it was already unlocked. We entered a room which contained about 7pcs. Then the three bears syndrome kicked in. The software was not on the first pc, not on the second pc, but it was on the third pc. The software is programmed to only work in the mornings….. We will return to this option next week she says.
We discuss coaching as a career option and she tried to find local coaches in the area. She found one in Blagnac. Perhaps I could talk to them she thought.
Next I was given an A3 piece of paper, with columns. I have to decide what I want to go for, what I want to continue with, what I want to drop, what I would like to start doing etc etc. So this, with my French lessons is to be my homework for our next meeting in a fortnight.Finally she decided that she did not like my CV, it was not clear she said. I said nothing. I had copied the font and format direct from one of their many CV examples. This could be a long haul. I have to see what I can do with it, and we will work on it together next time……

Tomorrow I go to see a man about a French course.

1 comment:

  1. "Tomorrow I go to see a man about a French course"...is that anything like seeing a man about a horse?


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