Thursday, 5 February 2009

I'm officially unusual

I kept my appointment at the ANPE, handed over another copy of my CV and my letter of motivation. Details were typed into the mighty computer, paperwork was generated and duly signed. I expressed some misgivings about my first impressions of the teaching establishment. She said that it did not surprise her. We will see what happens. I am now officially permitted to go on a paid for course of learning French with the establishment. After I departed, she would send them the authorising paperwork by fax. It is less than 3 minutes walk away so thank goodness for old technology.
She said that she did not know my Instep advisor so perhaps she was new there. It would not surprise me as she seems to be unaware of the administrative procedures required prior to my missions thus far. On verra.
As I seem to be breaking new ground every time I speak with the ANPE bods, I asked how British people who had limited or no French coped with all the forms and the interviews. Mrs ANPE said that their organisation never saw them as most came across having bought Chambre d’hotes or gite complexes and had an income from that.

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