Friday, 23 January 2009

A duty to entertain and inform? That's pants!

Things are returning to normal as we march onwards through January. I think that if anyone aspiring to live in France came during January and February they might think again. The weather is dismal. So far all we have had recently is lots of rain, with more to come. Other departements especially in the North west of the country have been on an orange alert, red being the highest level. Rain and wind s of 100 mph or 140kph being the problem. It is being likened to the last bad storms of 1999.
I walked into town between showers. Well that was the plan. The weather decided to wait until I reached town and then to tip out some more of the wet stuff. The market only had a few stalls open for business. It is a head down, stay at home kind of a day.
I now have a loaf of bread though, so that will last me til Monday.

There has been nothing much to write about so I will cast about for something of import.
Miss France was invited to the inauguration of the new president so she will have been having a good time.

The “Where’s Wally” books are called “Ou est Charlie“ in France. “Where’s Waldo” in USA etc Wikipedia also has a list of his other names used for him around the world.

In my early days of employment in Glasgow I remember finding a dried out frog left in a book as a bookmark. Other items used to mark pages were bank notes, les capots anglais or French letters thankfully still in their unopened foil wraps, mostly empty foil strips of women’s contraceptive pills etc. The last odd item found in a book was as far as I can remember a pair of black panties with a skull and crossbones motif. From memory when we checked to see who the last borrower of the book was, it was someone who used the mobile library.

No we didn't touch them.


  1. damn, I've been looking ALL over for those....

  2. maintenant tout devient clair!

  3. lol- you could write the book about strange things left in books.

    I buy a lot of second hand books and have found a few interesting bookmarks--never a dried frog or ladies underwear though!

  4. Hmmm I would have enough info to produce a small pamphlet perhaps, but what if I left it in a library book by mistake....


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