Monday, 22 December 2008

21.12.2008 Sunday – Merry-go-round

Well things are hotting-up here, both literally and figuratively. The sun shone in a clear blue sky, and it was good drying weather once again. I know this because bee boy hung out at least 9 t-shirts on the washing line.

Today was special. It was one of the 5 Sundays when French shops are permitted to open. I think that this may change to 10 Sundays next year.
In the afternoon I headed out to town to see how busy it was.
Gasp! Instead of the usual empty streets of one or two people per street, the numbers were well up on the usual Sunday afternoon. There was no thronging in evidence though. No shoving to get to the bargains. Perhaps because the shops I went into didn’t have any bargains.

In the main square there were more wooden huts clustered round the merry-go-round. One hut was selling hot food such as crepes, another was selling hand made pottery, another notebooks and paintings another jewellery. The last hut was closed so I do not know what delights it concealed.
The green wire mesh had been removed from round the merry-go-round and there were even some children sitting on the ride.
Another fairground ride, billed in the press as a toboggan ride was set up in the car park and a handfull of kids were on that.

Yesterday I left a note on bee boys door telling him that the front door must be locked for insurance purposes. As I did not know for certain that he has a key, I did not lock him out.
When I returned from town, he was fiddling about with his car. I asked him if he had got my note about locking the door and he said that he had. He said that he would have to make it a habit.

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