Sunday, 14 December 2008

13.12.2008 Saturday – Cliff’s throne?

A grey day but not raining now despite last night’s precipitation.
I see the postman putting some envelopes into my post box. Something to look into once I return from a trip into town to buy bread and to see if frenzied Christmas shopping and other activities are finally taking place.
I saw one advert in the free newspaper that will be opening specially on Sunday for the next two weeks!
But in my little town on a Saturday, most shop keepers round about noon say sod it, that’s it for another week!, and the rest follow suit at half past. Many don’t re-open their shops until the Tuesday of the following week.
Down by the river in the shadow of the castle, I took a couple of photos. I will post the others tomorrow. In this one the castle is on my right, high up on its rocky perch.
This is a more modern throne room. The river can be seen to the left below it.
I do not know if it just empties into the river but surely not..
I think that the black receptacle to the left of the door is a litter bin and not the urinal.

Once back from my stroll, I found a Christmas card and finally, my first electricity bill. I was even more excited when I saw that including charges, it was only 132 euros for the last 6 months. However, I had taken meter readings last week and they are approximately 100 euros too low in their bill estimate.

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