Saturday, 18 September 2010

Contract or no contract

Time is running out. The contract for my school admin post runs out on the 31st of September. Friday 3rd I received the paperwork to fill in to try and get myself renewed. Headed “To be returned no later than July 27th”, and having heard that Sarkosy was axing lots of school admin posts to save money, also does not fill me with much hope. However we will see.
The following Monday I took the form to school to get it signed by the headmistress ready to hand in at the College in town on my day off on Wednesday.
Of course there was a strike on Tuesday by around 2 million public and private sector workers about the Government’s proposals to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. There is a follow up strike later this month.
On the Wednesday I duly handed in my form, wrote “lu et approuve” and signed my name 4 times and now I just have to wait.
Hopefully I will hear soon, and not on the 1st of October. Fingers crossed for me please folks. taxe fonciere (income tax bill) arrived today....

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