Tuesday, 3 April 2012

French letters

Since my Portuguese labourer left mid December, I have 2 vacant studios to let. The boss of the labourer continued to be a pain in the arse as he did not come and collect the furniture until 3 weeks ago. So if there had been people seeking a studio to rent I would not have been able to house them. I notice from my bank statement that the agency failed to get me any rent for December, January or February, so they continue to impress me.
However, for the first time ever, someone from the agency has come out and put a "to rent" sign in the window (facing out to the road no less!!). This is the first time that they have ever shifted off their backsides, so perhaps my notaire has changed the letting agency.
Times continue to be hard here on the employment front, with unemployment continuing to rise. This being a rural area with very little industry, except the seasonal tourist outdoor pursuits, such as skiing, climbing, canoeing, etc the area is suffering more than most.
There is a modern block of flats opposite my tumble-down lodging house. Sometimes he has had vacancies, but there are already tenants waiting to move in. At the moment he has at least 4 empty flats out of a possible 8. No jobs = no workers looking for a place to live = no tennants for little ol' wine drinker me.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Au chomage lycra or not

Hello everyone
As of the 1st of April I am now unemployed. I have 3 hours left of a contract teaching English to student nurses then zip.
All is not doom and gloom however. Last Monday I went to the Inspection Academique for an interview to become an AVS. Assistant de la vie scolaire. Whereas my last job was for a maximum of 2 years, renewable in 6 month chunks (or possibly not), this post is for a maximum of 6 years, renewable (or not) in 12 month chunks.
So, notionally I have a job, but it may not start until at least the start of the next school year, in September. I am on their waiting list.
What does the job entail? Well you are paired up with one or two children who have a disability, and who need a bit, or a lot of help to fit in to a normal school class, and to help them keep up with the classwork as necessary. The post does not entail teaching, that is the class teacher's job.
So I wait for the call up. Because I have been working and paying my cotisations, I will be entitled to some unemployment money.
I was at the local Pole Emploi this morning to start claim process. I then had to return in the afternoon with my completed form, RIB, copy of my carte vitale etc.
I also had to sign on to claim benefit. The only way to do this is by telephone, or on the Internet. So  once back home I went online and filled in pretty much the same form that I had just filled in in hard copy. (If only I had done this first).
I was then given a choice of 3 interview times to meet with an adviser, to discuss my claim and my proposed project to get back to work.
Tomorrow I will try and sort out my health cover. I believe that I can remain with the very efficient MGEN for some months if I continue to pay them a fee monthly.
I started looking to buy a breath test kit for my car. This will be  a compulsory piece of kit for all cars, from the start of July. Leclerc had none, so I will have to try elsewhere.
Now some cycling news. The Tour de France will pass about 30 metres from my house, so I will find it very difficult to miss seeing it. I must by some lycra cycling gear and a flag to wave, I have the time to shop now that I am "resting".