Friday, 7 January 2011

Putting the clocks back in time.

Many of you will be wondering whether the renovation of the clock tower in the village where I work was refurbished in time for Christmas. With a week and a half to go, the clock faces suddenly reappeared and the scaffolding came down and the bells began striking the hour and the half hour once again.
I didn’t have enough time to climb the hill to make a closer inspection of the works before the end of term, but perhaps I will get a chance soon this year.
Anyway it looks very nice from the main road with its new creamy coat of paint.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Not a rockery then.

On the 8th of December I was sitting in Rigsby towers when I heard a loud “Beep! Beep!” reversing noise coming from the main road. Grabbing my trusty camera I looked out of my window.
Yes it was a load of earth in a big tipper lorry.
It was the most exciting thing that had happened all day so I felt that I had to monitor its progress.
The soil was tipped and a few days later some small bushed appeared. Lovely!
Surely this is the end? Don’t worry, as your reporter on the spot I will keep you posted.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

I talk to the trees. Is it a dinosaur?

Walking into town I noted that many of the trees lining one bank of the river had been chopped down. Looking more closely I saw an animal looking back at me.
Is it a horse? I asked myself, “or is it a dinosaur?”
Happy New Year!!!